ftik@uinkhas.ac.id (0331) 487550

Call for Paper Abstract The 3rd Annual Conference on Islamic Education (ACIE) 2024

Home >Berita >Call for Paper Abstract The 3rd Annual Conference on Islamic Education (ACIE) 2024
Diposting : Rabu, 10 Jul 2024, 14:57:08 | Dilihat : 242 kali
Call for Paper Abstract The 3rd Annual Conference on Islamic Education (ACIE) 2024

?Upcoming Conference....!
UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember invites all to:
The 3rd Annual Conference on Islamic Education (ACIE) 2024 and look forward to your participation in the CALL FOR PAPERS

?Theme: "Education Reimagined: Fostering Equity and Transformation in A Changing Word"

Submit your abstract now!
Submission link: https://bit.ly/acie-ftik2024

